I am a seventeen year old American very interested in becoming a doctor. I am told medical school is only about 7-8 years in the UK compared to about 11-12 years in the US. I love the thought of saving four years if I attended schooling over seas. Would this be a good idea? If i did go, and became a doctor would i ever have to opportunity to practice medicine in the US after so many years if i desired so? feedback?
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If you can afford it. The cost of living in UK is much higher than USA, so you would have to factor in those costs plus you would not be allowed to get a job to help you with finance, unless the university had some arrangement for overseas students. The big issue is, do American hospitals etc recognise UK qualifications? Or would you have to do some certification if you returned to USA? It's worth finding out first. Find out how much the Tuition is for overseas students. There are 3 semesters per year. Usually they pay the fees all at once at the beginning of each year.