Monday, August 8, 2011

What are good schools in the UK (preferably London) one could go to for Medical school and 4 year college

What are good schools in the UK (preferably London) one could go to for Medical school and 4 year college?
I would like to be an Ob/gyn and I'm starting to think about colleges. I live in America but I want to move to London, England or maybe a suburb of London when I graduate from high school. What are some schools, preferably in London, that I could go to for a four year bachelor's degree and for Medical school?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The UK has a different system. You don't have to get your bachelor's to go to med school. You're accepted after secondary school based on your A'Level results. These are done in the last two years of secondary school. After 5 years of medical school you graduate with a medical degree. I recommend if you do move to the UK doing the A'Levels and then applying to medical school rather than doing an undergrad degree. Also UK degrees are 3 years not 4 years because of credit from A'Levels. The link below shows the entry requirements in more detail: Website with different UK universities and their programmes offered with student reviews: Good Luck
2 :
In the UK, you study medicine at the undergrad level, for your bachelors. So you wouldn't go to a uni first, then on to med school. All the UK med programs I know of only admit foreign students if those students come from a country where the medical education is non-existant or inferior. That's hardly the case for the US. But do look at the requirements for entry into various medical courses in the UK, and see if you can find some that will admit US students. I don't know *all* of them, so there certainly could be some. If you went to the UK for your bachelors degree in something other than medicine, a lot of US med schools wouldn't admit you. Some don't admit foreign educated students at all. Others do, but you'd need to have done a year of your pre-med classes at a uni in the US. Still others would be fine with you, so long as your UK degree covered everything required in the pre-med requirements. These are things you'd want to check into. Another factor in all this is that the salaries for most doctors in the UK are far lower than in the US. If you were to study medicine in the UK, you'd pay international student rates, which are fairly high. Not has high as the cost of med school in the US, but still; high. So you'd need to think through your ability to pay those costs and/or the student loans. But don't just take me on my word on all this. Keep looking into it. See what you can discover that might work for you.

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