Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Parents with children in secondary school (UK ONLY PLEASE)

Parents with children in secondary school (UK ONLY PLEASE)?
Are you happy with your childs school? IF not then why? Also what do you thihnk of AAcademy schools? Is your childs school an Academy or a specialist school? HOw does that work out for you>?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I'm very happy with my child's school. If I wasn't I wouldn't pay the fees to send her there. It's an academically selective private school. The kids in the bottom set there get similar results to the very brightest kids at the local comprehensives (all of which are specialist in one thing or another). I think you really have to go with your gut feeling. Every time I've walked into a school to look round I've instantly either thought "yes" or "no". I've not been far wrong yet. (My son was unhappy in the later years at his primary school, but he loved the first couple of years which were what we'd looked at most when deciding where to send him).

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