Friday, December 16, 2011

What is the Best Drama School in the UK

What is the Best Drama School in the UK?
Hi there, I am looking to apply for an acting course in the UK. I have heard (of course) about RADA's reputation but I have also heard that it is not what it used to be. I've heard that Central is also very good. Any thoughts would be hugely appreciated. Thanks!
Theater & Acting - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It depends entirely on the person. RADA and Central are famous but some of the others are amazing too, just unheard of. Like GSA (Guildford School of Acting) Arts Ed, Laine, Rose Bruford, Mountview, London Studio Centre Thats just some I can think of. Request prospectus' then sign up to audition at some, you'll find the atmosphere and students vary. See which you like best.
2 :
There is not a 'best drama school' in the UK. They are all too different and offer different training methods. It depends on the type of theatre you want to specialise in. Musical theatre? Mountview, Guildhall are some musical theatre specialist schools Method acting? Drama centre London AND East 15 are two schools that specialise in method theatre. Warning: If you are likely to break down in tears or have a fragile personality do not attend these places because they will knock you down then re-build you. Out of London: Royal welsh college of drama and music (Welsh equivalent of RADA), Royal scottish school of drama and music (Scottish equivalent of RADA). Posh schools; RADA, LAMDA, GUILDHALL Miscellaneous: Central school of speech & drama, Rose Bruford. There are many other schools you can research about. A word of warning!!!!!! Schools not part of the NATIONAL COUNCIL for DRAMA TRAINING (NCDT) will take your money, give you sub standard training and casting directors and agents won't recognise the institution. Only go for NCDT schools. Hope this helps :)
3 :
LAMDA are between theatres at the moment so they are touring London for two years which could be a fun way to learn to work in a lot of different environments. Just a note. I'm yet to see evidence that RADA is going downhill. The facilities are INCREDIBLE and they keep updating them (I don't know how many millions were recently spent building a massive costume dept and the Vanbrugh theatre is AMAZING) and their students still have the highest percentage of people who leave WITH agents as far as I'm aware. I've heard that Central have some very good tutors at the moment and are having increasing success getting graduates employed but you shouldn't underestimate the power of the name of RADA. So in my opinion (obviously it's subjective - the best acting school in the uk for you is the one you work best in - if you hated RADA and loved Rose Bruford but you went to RADA because of the name you'd not work as hard and get as much out of it as if you were somewhere you loved - you know?) the order of the top 8 goes; RADA Central LAMDA Guildhall Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD) Rose Bruford Royal Welsh Mountview Or GSA, East 15, Italia Conti... Are also are biting the heels of my top 8. Anywhere in the CDS, CDD or accredited by the NCDT will do you well. Being in London will do you even better but it will seriously hurt your bank balance. I'm a technical student at a CDS, CDD, NCDT school and get grants from the school, the CDD, Student Finance (including full loan package) and I still eat into my overdraft. It costs about £210-ish per week to live in London & at most drama schools you do not have time for a job. I'm going to leave my school drowning in debt but I LOVE IT and IT'S WORTH IT. If I didn't love it I just wouldn't be able to justify pouring all this energy and money into it and all the crap it's throwing at my health. My advice for you is to audition for as many drama schools as you can afford to audition for, then decide where you want to go when you've been everywhere. Get prospectuses and go to open days as well. You can also look up your favorite actors and see where they trained - if you want to be like them the schools they attended might be the ones that are best for you. Another way of doing that is looking up the lead actors in your favorite films and see where they trained because if they got their agent in a showcase at their school and their agent got them the lead in the movie you love then you want to be with the same or similar agency so you can get those types of jobs - hence going to the school where the agency pick clients from.... Good luck. JJ