Wednesday, March 24, 2010

should uk school kids swear an allegiance to the uk

should uk school kids swear an allegiance to the uk?
do you think uk school kids should swear an allegiance to the uk like us school kids do every morning in school? ]6'
Other - Politics & Government - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You wouldn't wish that upon them, would you?
2 :
Why should British school children swear allegiance when 90% of us are already loyal to Queen and Country.
3 :
You mean Pledge of allegiance? as far as i know they don't even have one. but if i'm wrong, they should, not because we do though, just because its for your country.
4 :
only uk citizens can answer this. but if you aren't loyal the country you live in why are you in the said country, doesn't make sense
5 :
Forcing kids to say any kind of pledge of allegiance does nothing. Young children are not capable of understanding the significance of saying such a pledge. Besides it has been proven, forced indoctrination does not make anyone more patriot as an adult. Being treated like a decent human being does. Donna
6 :
What on earth for? Having to do that suggests that the USA is seriously worried about the loyalty of its own citizens. And given what the USA is like I suggest that the UK is better off without it. Anyway, no oath in the UK would be "to the UK". Oaths of allegiance in the UK as sworn by the police, the armed forces, and newly naturalised citizens, are to the Queen and her heirs and successors according to law. That is the proper position given the position of the Queen as head of state and representative of the nation as a whole, and feels far more meaningful than the US pledge of allegiance as used in schools, which is to "the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands". How do you pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth? The phrase "one nation under God" was added in 1954, which surely goes against the US Constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion. It seems disgusting to me that very small children should be made to recite this pledge each morning when they cannot have any idea what they are doing.