Monday, August 16, 2010

What should I expect from my daughters school in this situation..Bullying/absence?? (uk)

What should I expect from my daughters school in this situation..Bullying/absence?? (uk)?
My daughter is 6 years of age,in her last year at primary school (uk).From October 2009 she was being bullied by a younger boy..Coming home with her coat ripped,big bruises to her body and generally shaken and upset from being kicked,punched while being held by the bullies friends etc each and every break time.As a result of this,there were many a morning where she was either late or absent from school as she was so scared to go to (literally shaking and hysterical). She also has chronic lazy eye where she has to attend regular hospital appointments as they/we are working frantically to correct her vision before it 'sets' at a certain age and if not corrected could result in blindness in that eye..which in the end,in then straining her 'good' eye could result in total blindness!. School however have been,I feel,total a**holes and are threatening us with education welfare etc as my daughters attendance falls below their attendance targets!. I can easily prove her hospital appointments and the like but they have not recorded a valid reason for absence when our daughter has been away from school for the bullying OR hospital appointments. We have approached the school several times over this and all they do as far as the bullying is 'log it in the incident diary'! I really need to know where I stand,legally..This school has done nothing regards the bullying,are hasseling me with threats of welfare officers etc because my daughter has to see the opthamolagist regularly..and therefore when she is ever off due to illness they say I should send her in regardless,so they can get the attendance marks,and they will send her home if she gets 'too ill'.?????? Please ,any help or opinions would be appreciated. Me and my husband have been to the school and demanded something done else we will report them and go above them.As for informing the parents,...thay are not the sort of people you would challenge if you know what I mean..I am 6 months pregnant,I cannot go throwing my weight around,possibly provoking physical violence,(which is prob ehat we would get from these parents)??? Plus...response no.1...If my daughter starts school at 8.45am..has an appointment at 1pm,and we also have 2 other children to get to school at all different times..AND get our 6yr old to the hospital 7 miles away and back again (while also 6 moths pregnant) easy do you think it is,Don't insult me as to infer I am Not doing my job?????
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well why haven't you gone to the school and DEMAND they do something instead of letting your child be afraid to go to school and keep her home? That's ridiculous! Why haven't you contacted the kids parents? You let your child have bruises from this kid and do NOTHING????? It's up to YOU to get to the bottom of this and if the school isn't listening then go over their heads! You don't just keep her home and let it go! She doesn't need to be out of school all day over a Dr visit! You've not doing you job as a Mom in getting the problem resolved or making sure she in school when she should be!
2 :
What a crap sounding school, Its not fair but maybe taking your Child out of that school would be best and reporting the school for doing nothing about the bullying
3 :
Well i think you should invite me onto the scene :) I'll do something about it to that little nasty.... I'll somehow find out his second name 4 youu even if it weens asking ALL ov my mates....IT'S WELL WORTH IT....not just for your daughter but to see how to sort out a problem!! mummy xxx