Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can Australian children be enrolled in a UK school for a short term

Can Australian children be enrolled in a UK school for a short term?
We want to live in the UK for 6 months and hope to enrol our 7 and 5 year olds in school whilst there, if possible.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yeah. No problem. All children must attend school by law so just call in and ask your local primary school. If they're full they'll give you a list of schools with places.
2 :
Sadly head teachers do not like to take children into school for short periods. The additional work it imposes on teachers is significant and there are often concerns when children enter SATs years, i.e. at ages 7 and 11. If your children are bright then schools are more likely to be welcoming than not. If your children have special needs head teachers often find reason to say no. I recommend that you visit a local primary school, state that you are new to the area, sell your children to the head teacher and get a place. Then when it comes time to leave let the school know with apologies and thanks. I understand that this seems slightly underhand but it will make entry much easier. I would love to say that everything would be easy without this but the realities of life in the world of education prevent this.

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