Friday, September 24, 2010

I really dislike my school and would like to move schools what can I do

I really dislike my school and would like to move schools what can I do?
I am currently in year 9 at high school (UK)
Primary & Secondary Education - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
since you're in the 9th grade and presumablly still live at home, then your parents will have the ultimate say so.
2 :
I have been to 10 different schools in 7 different US states. If I were you, I wish I would have stayed in one school. Trust me, it sucks to transfer from school to school. Stick with this one.
3 :
me too bro, i dont like my school either, all the girls here are well to put it bluntly WHORES try asking for a school transfer but then again im in the US i got no idea how that works over there
4 :
A nation develop with educated people and good education make the people educated.So,you have to analyse the quality of education in your school.
5 :
I don't really know the district laws in the UK but if you really want to change schools you can start looking at private schools and boarding schools. There are many private schools and im sure you can find one to suit your personality. Many of these private schools offer scholarships and often help you secure a strong foundation for your future. If you cant get into a private school or cant afford it then I would suggest broadening perspective of school. I would say most high schools are similar. They are just as good or bad as you make it. I know that sounds a little cliche but I truly believe if you dedicate yourself to working hard, having fun, and making friends, then you may have a better time at your current school.
6 :
If there are any other schools in your area, you should try to move to one of them. Call another school, ask them if they have any places left in year 9, and just get a application form for another school.