Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How does the UK school system work

How does the UK school system work?
I'm 13. So, which grade would i be in if i lived in the UK? I'm in 8th grade living in the US. Thanks. :]
Adolescent - 9 Answers
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1 :
They are called years We start primary schol in recpection & leave in year 6(5th grade). High school starts at 11 & ends at 16 . You would be in year 9 (: same as me.
2 :
It depends. If you only just turned 13 (since September 1st) then you'd be in Year 8. If you are going to turn 14 anytime between now and the end of August 2010, then you'd be in Year 9. :]
3 :
You would be in year 8 if you have just turned 13 ,or year 9 if you are nearly 14, which is the 2nd/3rd year in secondary school. secondary schools usually take 11-16 year olds. Some take up to 18 year olds if they are colleges as well. Hope this helps :)
4 :
i think you would either be in year 8 or year 9 depending on when your birthday is, so you would either be in first or second year of high school.
5 :
We don't have grades over here. And its different depending on where about in the UK you live. Scotland, England/Wales and Northern Ireland all have separate education systems. In Scotland, instead of grades you have primary 1-7 (I think you's would call this elementary school?) then you have 1st year all the way up to 6th year (which are the high school years). In England, you have year 1, year 2, and I'm not entirely sure what year it goes up too. Northern Ireland...I have no idea how their system works. I'm Scottish, and here you would be in 2nd year or 3rd year depending on when you birthday is. If you have a birthday between and including the months of March-August you start school when you are 5 years old and if you have a birthday between and including September-February you start school at 4 1/2. So if you started at 4 1/2 you would be in 3rd year, but if you start at 5 you would be in 2nd year. Hope this makes sense.
6 :
In the UK they are called years. If you turned thirteen this September of later you would be in Year 8 and if it was before then you'd be in Year 9. First you go to two years of Nursery Then Primary School Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Then you go to secondary school Year 7 (age 11 to 12) Year 8 (age 12 to 13) Year 9 (age 13 to 14) Year 10 (age 14 to 15) Year 11 (age 15 to 16) Lower Sixth (age 16 to 17) Upper Sixth (age 17 to 18) Then you leave and go to University.
7 :
They are called years. You would be in Year 9 unless you turned thirteen after this August, then you would be in Year 8.
8 :
well we have Nursery (Kindergarten) between 3 - 5 (but some can go into Nursery earlier its not mandatory till age 5 when you go into whats called Reception, its a full normal school day 9:15 til 3:15 then you have years 1 to 6 so age 6 to 11 highschool starts years 7 -to11 = age 11 to 16 then you can choose to leave school (but if you want a future) you go onto A-levels (these are normally at highschool but you can go to a college to do these) they are called year 12 & 13, but more commonly known as A-level year 1 & 2 or Sixth form (especially if you go to college for them) you can also leave at 16 and go to college to take specialized courses e.g i went to take my NVQ level 1 in Childcare and then you have to do up to NVQ 3 to get a good position (so 3years) you can do these courses to become a builder, plumer, beauty etc..... then we have University (can only do after getting good A-levels or level 3 in say and NVQ qulification or whats called a foundation year, its 1 year and normally in the same catergory as your choosen uni course (so i wanted to do zoology in uni so i did a foundation in animal management to get in) you normally go to uni from 18 to 20 but a lot of students are mature students 30plus etc... you would be in year 9
9 :
year 8 :) in secondary school