Monday, August 24, 2009

Do we get primary and secondary school books from the school in UK or do we buy them

Do we get primary and secondary school books from the school in UK or do we buy them?
I am going to the UK and I need to know whether we buy school books or do we get them from the school for free. And what is the syllabus (text books) for 10th grade (O levels) in secondary schools in the U.K? Please guide me. Thank you. :)
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
We don't do O levels in the UK. Haven't done for over 20 years - I was in the last year to do them and I'm 41. If you mean Year 10, that's the first year of GCSEs. I would expect the school to provide most of your books, though you might be asked to buy things like your English texts. If you really do mean 10th grade, that's the equivalent of the _second_ year of GCSEs and will be a problem. You will probably have to go into year 10 and be a year older than everyone else, or you'll have too much of the course to catch up. There isn't "a syllabus". You'll get to choose your GCSE subjects, and within that what you study will depend on what exam board your school uses. The school will decide what textbooks to use.
2 :
O-Levels don't exist any more. They haven't existed for over 20 years, and were replaced by GCSEs. And there's no such thing as '10th grade'. There is 'Year 10' which is for pupils aged 14-15, if that's what you mean. Yes, the school will provide your books. However, there is no one syllabus. It depends what subjects you've chosen. UK school kids choose their GCSE subjects in Year 9. A few subjects, like English and Maths, are compulsory. Others are your own choices. Moreover, all schools don't use the same textbooks. It's the school's choice which particular books they use for different subjects. What do you mean by 'primary and secondary school books'? Primary school is aged 7-11. Secondary school is aged 11-18. You won't need primary school books if you're GCSE age. To be honest, you need to do a lot more research on the school system here, as you seem really confused.

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